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CodeHelper Discord Bot

killerraj369's github profile

A Discord Bot for Coders. Now Contests and Hackathons related Information under your command. Executes Code in Discord Itself. Provides Jokes, News, Quotes and fun things. Supported - C, c++, Python, java, javascript, Golang, C# etc.


Parmesh119's github profile

This is the encrypted chat_application that is only accessible to those only who have writes to access it. No other can add or edit it.

Anime Web

dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This project is based on VueJs and uses scss as stylesheet. It uses the unique data passing between child and parent component. It uses REST API as data source to display images and GIFs related to your search with search customization.

Tourist Website

PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Frontend project, with beautiful animations and responsive


PrernaSingh01's github profile

A straightforward Todo_App built with html, css, and javascript. It allows users to create tasks, and delete tasks. The app features a clean and responsive design, ensuring a seamless experience across devices.

Nex research

Ahtaxam's github profile

A online Survey App that let users to create survey according to their needs which is easy to use and are free.


Killer2OP's github profile

Quickly and easily access a thrilling dungeon-crawling experience at any time.

Google Clone

akshaykamath45's github profile

This is a Google Clone application built with reactjs JS, featuring a home page, search component, and search results page. It utilizes reactjs JS, Material UI, reactjs Router, and Context API for efficient UI development and state management. The application integrates with the Google Custom Search API for fetching search results. firebase is used for authentication and backend functionalities.

News App

Pro-18's github profile

This is a basic clone of Inshort that makes use of the Api key.

Chat-GPT Clone

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

Here is ChatGPT Clone which uses RapidAPI to fetch the data from the openAI ChatGPT.